Kamalnayan Bajaj Hall
Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery
Kamalnayan Bajaj Workshop Studio
24th December 2018 to 29th December 2018 (11.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.)

ANWESH – In quest of Self

Artists Jagdish Mohanty and Raj Maji work with original thought, deeper understanding and confident execution of their finely chosen themes. Rooting themselves in a genuine artistic journey to explore the self within and without, they paint their unique path. They try to get inspiration basically from Indian culture and tradition along with futuristic explorations of beauty, love and joy in the world. Not limited to any established standards, these artists venture to unknown spaces and time. Their inner journey bears rich fruits which we can see and feel in their paintings. Jagdish works in a light which turns into a bridge and transcends the viewers into a subtle space. Bold colors, uncalculated strokes and unconventional space shows the signs of freedom and joy. You can feel a sublime urge and invitation towards something beyond in most of his works. Raj’s unique style and strokes display his deep emotion and rich psychology. Bold strokes, textured invariable tones and fine rhythmic lines create magic on each canvas. Each work is poetry on canvas.

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